Which house tells about married …

Which house tells about married life?

The seventh house in astrology, as we know it, is the most important house in astrology, mainly because it signifies marriage and spouse.

What day should we not give money to others?

Thursday is considered the worst day in astrology. Whenever you give someone money on this day, your relationship with them will be in total chaos and your money will never come back.

What is the best age for a man to have a baby?

Age and sperm

Men under 40 have a better chance of having children than men over 40. As men age, the quality of sperm they produce appears to decline. Most men produce hundreds of Tens of thousands of new sperm, but men over 40 have fewer healthy sperm than younger men.

Which zodiac sign can’t fight?

Leo. Despite their domineering nature, Leos have a very calm and friendly personality.


What color attracts luck?

Lola explains: [Colors have a powerful effect on mood, and red is considered auspicious and powerful. Think of walking the red carpet or wearing a red tie.”. Purple and green are also key colors for attracting prosperity, but there’s a catch [If you really can’t stand green, it won’t work for you.

Is 30 too late to get married?

There has been endless debate about the right age to get married. While some people feel that their 20s are the ideal time to get married, for many people their 30s are a more stable and mature stage of life. In fact, There are pros and cons to getting married at any age.

How to predict married life in astrology?

Venus Plays a Vital Role in Marriage Forecast

She rules marriage, beauty and romance. If Venus is placed in a good house position in your horoscope, you will have a happy married life . Predicting marriage by date is after looking at the position of Venus in your Kundley house.

Which pooja is suitable for marriage?

Manla Gauri Puja is considered to be performed in Hinduism to get a good husband and happy married life.

What does every man want to hear from his wife?

[I love being your wife.”

Simple as it sounds, husbands want to know that their wives are happy in their marriage and genuinely enjoy being with them. When was the last time you thanked your husband for marrying you ? Don’t think he knows. Tell him!

What kind of woman does a man want to marry?

Like women, men want a life partner who is trustworthy, loyal and dependable. They want a wife who is on their side, and given the divorce rate, it’s no surprise reliability continues to hold its appeal.